Cornerstone Corvette
Club of Carroll County
Monday, April 12,
2010 7:00 pm
In attendance:
John & Lois Urban, Don
Graf, Steve & Linda Rill, Walt & Roberta Music, and Georgia Gist
John opened the meeting with
Minutes approved with date of
Governor’s Meeting corrected to 03/20/10.
Beginning Balance
$ + .02
Dues Received
Donation to Perry Point VA
Hospital Car Show
April Website Fee
Don attended meeting on
03/20/10. The Eastern Region has a
website that we may be able to umbrella for free. Don gave the website contact information to John; he will research
it and find out if it’s
something our club could use instead of paying a monthly website fee.
Eastern Region Governor’s
Meeting on 05/22/10 at 10:00 am will be followed by a Corvette Car Show from
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm; with dinner around 5:00 pm. Meeting is held at the Holiday
Inn near Uniontown Gap, north of Chocolate Town.
Don recommended that our club
attend this meeting/car show/dinner as it would be a good time to meet with
members of other corvette clubs.
He will e-mail more details and information to club members.
By a consensus of club
members present this activity has replaced the St. Michael’s day trip that was
scheduled for 05/22/10.
Car Show May 1, 2010 at
Carroll Christian Schools, all proceeds from car registration to go to the
Going into car show season,
please inform other club members if you plan to attend or know of upcoming
Next club meeting to be held Monday,
May 10, 2010 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse.
Meeting closed at 8:05 pm.